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4 Ways to Take Care of Your Diabetic Feet at Home

A diabetes diagnosis changes your life in a wide range of ways — all the way down to your feet. Specifically, diabetes impacts blood flow in your feet, which can lead to a number of complications

Fortunately, you can do a lot to avoid issues — from slow-healing wounds to amputations. Getting proactive about your diabetic foot care is the best way to prevent problems and keep your feet healthy.  

That means taking some steps at home on a regular basis and looping in a foot health expert.  Christopher Vittori, DPM, and Ameet Thakrar, DPM, specialize in diabetic foot care and can work alongside you. Visit us at Vittori Foot & Ankle Specialist in Homer Glen or New Lenox, Illinois, and we can help you monitor and protect your foot health. 

Specifically, taking these four steps makes a big difference in the health of your feet.  

#1: Check them daily 

Diabetes often causes neuropathy in your feet, which means your nerves no longer work the way they’re supposed to. It’s fairly common for people with diabetes to injure their feet and not even feel it.

The problem grows because the blood flow issues caused by diabetes slow your healing processes. Even a small scrape or popped blister can take a long time to heal — risking infection along the way. 

To prevent a little injury from becoming a big problem, check your feet daily. If you do notice any openings in your skin, talk to our team about wound care

#2: Practice good foot hygiene

Keeping your feet clean and dry limits your risk of infections and other issues. Make it a point to wash your feet every day, even on days you don’t shower. Dry them thoroughly afterward, especially in between the toes. Then, apply a moisturizer to prevent cracked skin. 

Keep an eye on your toenails, too. Don’t let them grow too long, which risks them getting snagged on something. When you do trim them, cut them straight across instead of rounding the edges to limit your likelihood of getting an ingrown toenail. 

#3: Be smart about shoes and socks

You want to protect your feet as much as possible, so avoid walking around barefoot. Even a simple slipper or sandal provides a key layer of protection.

When you have diabetes, it’s particularly important to choose shoes that fit your feet well. Don’t squeeze into footwear that is too tight, and avoid overly roomy shoes, which can cause blisters as you move around. 

Also, make sure you wear socks whenever shoes call for them to limit your risk of blisters and other skin abrasions. 

#4: Pick up the phone

While at-home care plays a huge role in preventing diabetes complications for your feet, you should also periodically get a pro involved. At least once a year, book an appointment with Dr. Thakrar or Dr. Vittori so we can evaluate your feet and track their health. 

To book your annual diabetes foot health checkup, call or schedule an appointment online with our team at Vittori Foot & Ankle Specialist today.

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